Battle of the Arts

Battle of the Arts

Let’s get ready to RUUMMMMBBBBLLLLLEEEE!!!!!


We will have our annual throwdown on Saturday, August 4th this year.

Registration will be opening soon.

There are a few rules:

You MUST begin and complete your artwork onsite! If you bring work that has already been started, you will be eliminated.

The public votes for the winner.

You are encouraged to bring as many people as you want so they can vote for you.

 2011 Battle

Hyde Park said “We have the Best Artists” and we are willing to put up $400.00 in cash prizes to prove it. We are calling YOU out! We’d like to see if you have the nerve to come to the Martini Shell on Truman Highway in Hyde Park on Saturday August 6th, 2011, from 12-3 pm.

Artists brought their art supplies, no finished pieces were allowed and we battled it out on location to see who the best artist was. Any medium and any subject matter was allowed.

We asked: Are you confident enough to answer the call or are you chicken?

We’re even provided music for the smack down and we had games and crafts for the kids. All free!

Winners were awarded by Popular Vote:
First Place $250.00: Ariane Fleming
Second Place $100.00 Jacques McGaffie
Third Place $50.00 Mary Cotter

Ariane is from Hyde Park, we we are proud to say that Hyde Park has the best artists! Come back to prove us wrong!! I dare you!



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